Friday, August 10, 2012


Determination is not strength alone but mostly will power.
Laziness is not only weakness alone but also nonchalant attitude.
where am i going with my boring and Un rhymed lines?
Made a sweet discovery.
Now am being made jest of having multiple personality syndrome but hey,
it not only moves my big lazy ass but also gets the job smoothly done.
So why not have more than one of me in me?
We work well together @ least 70% of the time
yep we are definitely above average so it works for me.
Here is to us#raising my sprite plastic cup up in cheers.
everyone out there do have a lovely weekend.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Writing a book. yeah i know funny right? can't do a simple blog and here i am dreaming tall of becoming a writer.
That's the beauty of dreams anyow and am allowed to be as creative as possible.
so wish me luck. wishing maself because i know i will need it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Have a lovely August everyone. its my birth month and i wish me some goodluck tumbled in with lotts of goodies.